Excerpt from “Master of Silence: Avatar Rahk”

Chapter 9-Toddler Rahk

“Mama, where is the seedgiver?
Am I not given?”

“You are. And your father
gave all he could muster
before your roots
grew too thick for my womb”

“So where is the seedgiver, mama?”

“Dear Rahk, had I an answer
perhaps I would have carried you
on dry land
rather than a sea”

Rahk contemplated her words
while studying the power “to be”

I want to read Chapters 10-11.

Chapters 10-11 (Excerpts from “Master of Silence”)

Chapter 10-Bible Study

and the esteemed master teacher

bent the pulpit to his will
in the name of the spirit, saying:

“Woman must be clay
to leave room for a husband

Woman must be clay
to leave room for a career

Woman must be clay
to leave room for her children

Woman must be clay
to leave room for God”

Chapter 11-Sunday School

“Master teacher?”

“Yes, little Rahk?”

“Why must woman be clay?”

“To leave room…”

“But what about her womb?”

“What about it, son?”

“–It expands as life grows.
But the room woman leaves
seem to keep doors closed…”

“Well, I’ll tell you this, I’ll tell you no more than twice.
Woman must certainly leave enough room
to open the door for Wife.”

“That’s not what The Spirit says,” insisted Rahk.

“Oh, I can’t wait to hear this!”

“The Spirit says she is water
and man must make room for her mist.”

Chapter 7: Spirit World (Excerpt from “Master of Silence”)

Avatar Maya turned a sunray inside out,

smiling big as she sewed the fragile thing to a cloud

The wonderful thing about rainbows does not lie in its sheen

But in how often honest souls smile when a rainbow is seen”

then she shimmered and galaxies shimmied in the wind as she smiled a solar flare

and baby clouds giggle-glowed

while weaving laughter in her hair

Rest in love, Dr. Maya Angelou